Przedsiębiorstwo Wdrażania Postępu Technicznego POSTEOR Sp. z o. o.

Przedsiebiorstwo Wdrażnia Postępu Technicznego “POSTEOR” Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością has implemented the project co-financed by European Funds entitled “Implementation of technology for the production of spare parts for steam turbines using the reverse engineering method.”


The aim of the project was to implement a new, not used by others, manufacturing technology of spare parts for steam turbines by using  reverse engineering method.  The result of this project is  the introduction to our company offer manufacturing spare parts for steam turbines according to this technology.

More information about this technology  you may find on


Total project value is PLN  8,564,100.00

Co-financing by the EU is  PLN  5,675,600.00